After a quiet period, we are looking to re-energise Portmore Park & District Residents Association.
There are some really significant local topics at present.
Top of the list is parking, and the Weybridge Parking Project. You can download a copy of the project report from Weybridge Society website. UPDATE: You can now also view a clarification and update presented to the Weybridge Society transport panel on 17 July, or learn more from the Weybridge Society home page.
Expect a PPDRA newsletter in the coming weeks, followed by a Portmore Park & District community meeting / PPDRA AGM on Thursday 13th September, 7:30 for 8pm at St Charles Borromeo / Christ The Prince of Peace hall, Portmore Way, Weybridge.
Joining PPDRA is a way for people who live in north Weybridge to have more of a voice.
The more who participate in our local association the more we can achieve.