Refusal has now been confirmed of plans for a huge block on the St Catherine’s site, Beales Lane (2019/0386), but with two changes to the reasons. The plans were initially refused by Elmbridge Planning Sub-committee on 20 May because of the harmful impact of height and massing on the character of the area, access and manoeuvring issues, and loss of trees and soft landscaping.
The application was referred back to the Sub-committee to consider an additional pre-identified issue, missing legal agreement for affordable housing. At the 17 June meeting, that new reason was added, but the access and manoeuvring issues were removed as a reason following new advice from Surrey Highways.
Residents are disappointed that Surrey had no objection to the traffic and parking issues the plans would have created, with lack of adequate turning space on site, and delivery vehicles having to reverse out of Beales Lane into Thames Street. However there was great relief that Elmbridge recognised the unacceptably oppressive impact of such a massive building close to the the road, where at present the low building is set back and softened by grass and trees.
Here is the 17th June decision:
Elmbridge Borough Council Meeting of South Area Planning Sub-Committee, Monday, 17th June, 2019
2019/0386 – St Catherines, Thames Street, Weybridge
One late letter of objection had been received.
The Sub-Committee Members resolved to refuse the application at the meeting held on 20 May 2019 for three reasons. Whilst the legal agreement securing the affordable housing contribution had not been received, the reasons for refusal had not included the lack of the affordable housing contribution as one of them.
Accordingly, during the introduction of the application, the Special Projects Officer advised the Sub-Committee that as the legal agreement had not been received, an additional reason for refusal needed to be included. The Sub-Committee agreed to add this reason for refusal.
Furthermore, the Special Projects Officer provided an update on the verbal advice received from the Highways Authority regarding the layout of the access and parking area on the development site, which had been included in the original reasons for refusal of this application at the Sub-Committee meeting on 20 May 2019. Given that there were concerns as to whether this reason was sufficiently robust, the Special Projects Officer sought a formal view from the Sub-Committee as to whether it wished to continue with this reason for refusal. In light of the update and having considered the information provided by the Special Projects Officer, the Sub-Committee were supportive of the removal of this reason for refusal. Accordingly, the Sub-Committee resolved to
Refuse permission, contrary to the Officer’s recommendation, for the following reasons
Confirm Reason from the Sub-Committee decision 20 May 2019
- Due to its height and massing, the proposed development would be out of keeping with the character of the surrounding area. The proposal is therefore contrary to the requirements of Policy CS17 of the Elmbridge Core Strategy 2011 and Policy DM2 of the Elmbridge Development Management Plan 2015.
Confirm Reason from the Sub-Committee decision 20 May 2019
- Due to the loss of trees and green spaces around the building, which are considered to provide high landscape contribution towards the character of the area, the proposal fails to enhance and integrate into its surroundings. As such, the proposal is contrary to Policy DM6 of the Elmbridge Development Management Plan 2015.
[Previously listed as Reason 3. of the decision of the Sub-Committee made on 20 May 2019.]
Add Refusal Reason
- In the absence of a completed legal agreement, the proposed development fails to secure the necessary affordable housing provision contrary to the requirements of Policy CS21 of the Elmbridge Core Strategy 2011and the Developer Contributions Supplementary Planning Document 2012.
Remove Reason
- The layout of the access and parking area would result in hazardous manoeuvring due to the lack of turning point within the proposed rear parking area which would result in a need to reverse from the parking spaces to the under-croft access road in order to leave the site in forward gear. As such, the proposal is contrary to the requirements of Policy DM7 of the Elmbridge Development Management Plan 2015.
[Previously listed as Reason 2. of the decision of the Sub-Committee made on 20 May 2019.]