Imagine breathing life back into Weybridge town centre, with better coordinated community facilities, enriched by our green open spaces… The WeyBetterWeybridge project is looking to do just that, in the redevelopment of the Weybridge Hospital site and the library site.
PPDRA has provided comments to the project, from residents in the Portmore Park area, on what would help make it a success.
For the project to succeed, we see it as imperative that:
- Community use of both sites is retained and enhanced for people of all ages
- with increased youth provision and facilities for young people
- Better linkage is achieved between the sites
- with pedestrians’ needs put ahead of passing motorists.
- The massing of buildings is harmonious with the setting
- remain close to Church Street on the South (library) site
- allow the open space behind to stay sheltered from road traffic noise and pollution.
- All the green space and tranquility of Churchfields is retained and safeguarded
- the open view of St James’ Church from Churchfields is conserved
- the togetherness of park, allotments and church respected.
- The green space between the North site and Portmore Park Road is safeguarded.
- Facilities are multi-functional and flexible
- maximise use and differing needs across age groups
- make available for extended hours
- Car parking provision is sufficient, but not intrusive or dominant
- e.g. with undercroft parking on the North (hospital) site
We understand that the project is considering multiple possibilities. We want to see community facilities on these town centre sites, and not to lose them to other purposes, such as high density housing or commerce. And we want to ensure our green open spaces are not lost or diminished.

View to St James’ Church from Churchfields Recreation Ground (across Churchfields Car Park), Easter 2021
- It is key to retain the natural open views from Churchfields park, towards the Church and allotments
- building in the southern two thirds of the car park would have an overbearing and negative impact on the open character of Curchfields park and allotments
- Any new buildings on the South site should extend no further south than the office building adjacent to the entrance to Churchfields car park
- New building on the Church Street library site should fit with our characteristic Weybridge town centre gabled street scene
- New build on the North site could cover most of the hospital site
- incorporating extensive undercroft parking
- There would be strong opposition to a tower block or excessive height
- The North site can benefit from a green and tranquil aspect across the Youth Centre field.
PPDRA’s comments for weybetterweybridge share local residents’ thinking on facilities needed, young people’s needs, linking the sites, traffic, parking issues, nearby town centre improvements, and more.
You can download a copy of our full PPDRA comments for weybetterweybridge here