Bridge Industrial are preparing a new planning application to redevelop Weybridge Business Park.
UPDATE 14-06-23: view new Weybridge Business Park proposals (pdf 3MB)
A new architect and design team have been appointed to redesign the scheme taking on board feedback from the local community following the resounding refusal of the application for a massive Amazon-style distribution centre next to the historic Wey Navigation — plans which received hundreds of local objections and objections from public bodies such as the National Trust.
The previous refused scheme was described as “just crazy” by local residents interviewed by the press, because of its impact on local quality of life and on traffic flows through neighbouring communities.
Public Consultation
Bridge Industrial want to hear your comments on the new proposals, and are staging a public exhibition, to be held in Building 6, Weybridge Business Park, KT15 2UP on Wednesday 14 June, 4pm – 8pm and Saturday 17 June, 10am – 2pm.
This will be an opportunity to meet the Bridge Industrial team, view the proposals, ask any questions you have and provide your feedback.
We note that Bridge Industrial describe the adjacent site as “Industrial”, whereas it houses the Waterside Trading Estate with commercial suppliers such as Screwfix, Toolstation, Easy Bathrooms, Wilson Electrical, Brewers Decorator Centre etc. There are adjacent residential properties, and the overall atmosphere is tranquil and far from industrial, with a charming riverside walk, moorings and waterside pub.
How to contact the developers
If you have any questions or would like more information then please get in touch with the developers:
Phone: 0800 092 0426
Reactions to previous application
Runnymede Borough Council refused that previous planning application for the following reasons:
Refusal Reasons for Planning Application – RU.22/0776
Application Number: RU.22/0776
Site Address: Weybridge Business Park Addlestone Road Addlestone Surrey KT15 2UP
Property Address: Weybridge Business Park, Addlestone Road, Addlestone, Surrey
Reasons 1
The proposed ‘Building 100’ by reason of its position, form, scale, mass and significant bulk would result in an overtly prominent, dominant and visually overbearing form of development which would have a detrimental impact to the character and appearance of the area. This is contrary to Policy EE1 of the Runnymede 2030 Local Plan (2020), Runnymede Design Guide (2021), the National Planning Policy Framework (2021) and the National Design Guide (2019).
Reasons 2
The proposed use would result in a loss of residential amenity to surrounding residential properties. This loss of amenity would be due to due noise and disturbance from both the on-site operations as well as disturbance from the likely significant numbers of comings and goings of large goods vehicles that the proposed uses would attract, particularly at anti-social hours of the day and night. This is contrary to Policy EE2 of the Runnymede 2030 Local Plan (2020), the National Planning Policy Framework (2021) and the associated National Planning Policy Guidance relating to Noise and disturbance.
Reasons 3
In the absence of a completed legal agreement the proposed development has failed to secure the provision of the necessary infrastructure needed to make this development acceptable in planning terms. The proposed development is therefore contrary to policies SD3, SD4, SD5 and EE9 of the Runnymede 2030 Local Plan (2020) and the National Planning Policy Framework (2021) and its associated guidance.