Is your road used by rat run traffic? Are there parking issues in your road? Or is everything fine as it is?
If the answer to any of these is ‘yes’, and you live in north Weybridge, please join in our survey.
PPDRA is gathering information about traffic and parking in our residential roads, and how they affect residents.
Your experience, good or bad, is what matters!
It is quite comprehensive online survey, so please set aside ten or 15 minutes, less if you are speedy
(you can skip questions if they are not relevant to you).
Click here to start our local Traffic & Parking survey online
Your experience of traffic and parking in your road can help inform future local Council decisions.
All personal information will be kept confidential, and any reports will not identify individuals.
You can view our Privacy policy here.
Online completion of the survey is preferred, as the results are automatically calculated.
If you need a paper version, you can download a pdf copy of the survey to print out, or phone 01932 844449 and request a copy (NB it looks long on paper, with spacious layout!)