Elmbridge has announced a new round of Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) funding for local projects. The application deadline is 29 March. Previous rounds have funded local improvements ranging from surfacing Broadwater Path to additional school facilities. Local residents can prepare and submit applications — you can find out more below and on the Elmbridge website.
Application process for CIL local funding
Elmbridge Borough Council is currently inviting applications for local funding from the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL).
What is CIL?
CIL allows the Council to raise funds from some forms of new development to help fund the physical infrastructure needed to mitigate the impacts of new development. As part of the process, the Council annually allocates the local portion of CIL funds to be spent locally on smaller infrastructure schemes that are required in the communities where development took place.
Successful local CIL applications for funding to date have included projects such as capital improvements to state schools to better enable them to meet the needs of an increasing school population, improvements to community facilities, cycling facilities, footpath works and countryside access improvements.
Who decides?
The Council has formed settlement area committees known as Local Infrastructure Spending Boards where local Councillors will decide on how these local CIL funds will be allocated. In the case of Claygate, the local proportion of CIL funds will be passed directly to the Parish Council.
How does the process work?
Applicants will need to review the guidance notes and complete the application form in full, demonstrating how the project addresses the demands that development places on the area and show a community impact. Any applications which fail to provide the correct information will not be successful.
The application period for this round of allocations will run until 29 March 2020; applications received after this date will not be considered.
Local Spending Boards will be held in June and early July 2020. Applicants will be invited to attend these meetings to present to the board and answer any questions.
The guidance notes and application form are available from www.elmbridge.gov.uk/cilfunding.
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