Residents of north Weybridge are invited to our Portmore Park & District community meeting and PPDRA AGM on Wednesday 26th June, gathering from 7:30 pm (for 8pm) in the Parish Hall, Portmore Way, Weybridge KT13 8JD.
- Meet fellow residents and local councillors
- Find out about things that affect our local community
- Share your views
Our theme this year is how residents can help shape the future of our part of Weybridge. Topics include:
- Beales Lane 2019/0386 St Catherine’s planning application update
- how community response can influence proposals; appeal readiness
- How we can get input into the Elmbridge BC Local Plan
- impact on future town planning decisions
- Town centre development and community facilities
- views from local businesses, residents and councillors
- Importance of green spaces and riversides
- recreation ground, allotments, local parks, paths & open spaces
- Elmbridge Parking Review 2019
- Residents parking for Dorchester & Gascoigne Roads
- Positive community activities
- linking in with other community groups and initiatives
Local Councillors will be there to participate and listen to views.
- 7:30 Chat and light refreshments
- 8:00 Community update and group discussion
- 9:15 Brief AGM formalities, followed by opportunities for individual discussion
- 9:45 Close
We hope to see you there!
Is there a local matter you would like us to include?
Please do let us know: email contactus @
Thank you for all you do. I am saddened to see the timings on residence parking has changed not for the better of the community or shoppers, our high street is dieing , why can not resident parking be between 8 -10.30, thus giving time for school run and 2.30- 6,30 again clear for school run and home time. There are always spaces during the day. The cost of visitors parking is outrageous, this should be free or at least for any car in that day.
Building in Weybridge has to contain plenty of parking, where are they supposed to park?
We do not have the infrastructure for so many new builds that are supposedly being forced on our borough, l appreciate that it is all linked to government threats but honestly it seems that this is bulling at its worst and maybe the Council should put an argument forward to reduce this number not try and achieve it.
I have lived in Weybridge for over 40 years, it has gone from a lovely town to a complete car park and traffic jams ,leaving one having to time journeys around school runs, and rush hour .
If they think a minimum of 9,000 -18,000 (two people occupying a property ) extra people in Elmbridge and no new schools, doctors,car parks ,carbon footprint and omissions etc is a good idea then these council and councillors are not repressing me or my neighbours or considering our quality of life.