After a quiet period, we are looking to re-energise Portmore Park & District Residents Association.
There are some really significant local topics at present.
Top of the list is parking, and the Weybridge Parking Project. You can download a copy of the project report from Weybridge Society website. UPDATE: You can now also view a clarification and update presented to the Weybridge Society transport panel on 17 July, or learn more from the Weybridge Society home page.
Expect a PPDRA newsletter in the coming weeks, followed by a Portmore Park & District community meeting / PPDRA AGM on Thursday 13th September, 7:30 for 8pm at St Charles Borromeo / Christ The Prince of Peace hall, Portmore Way, Weybridge.
Joining PPDRA is a way for people who live in north Weybridge to have more of a voice.
The more who participate in our local association the more we can achieve.
Michael O'Sullivan says
The above link does not hit the Weybridge Society’s website, but simply displays a copy of the project report.
This is important, as the Society’s website not only includes clarification of the true intent of the report, but also mentions the amendments to its content that have since been discussed and agreed.
The report was intended to be neither a panacea nor a prescriptive solution to the parking problem. This is an unfortunate misunderstanding, communicated by the ill-informed, some of whom have simply chosen to criticise it rather than seeing it as the positive step forward that it is, and which has brought the matter to the fore.
The report merely provides some factual data totally lacking within Elmbridge and Surrey to quantify the problem, and offers no more than a starting point as encouragement to both councils actually to do something about it through the additional surveys and analyses necessary to provide the holistic solution promised in 2016, but never received.
Please amend your link to point directly to the Society’s website and the full picture. Thanks.