We are delighted that Elmbridge Borough Council has now recognised Walton Lane Open Space as a designated ‘Local Green Space’ in its 2023 Draft Local Plan, submitted to the Planning Inspectorate.
This follows a PPDRA objection to the omission of this space from the 2022 EBC Draft Local Plan list of Local Green Spaces , an objection we submitted as part of the formal Regulation 19 Consultation.
The Local Green Space designation should help give lasting extra protection against any building development on this significant and much used local green open space.
Extract from Elmbridge Draft Local Plan SA Addendum 2023
M4.2 ENV3 46 Additional Local Green Spaces to be designated:
Stoke D’Abernon Memorial Park; Walton Lane Open Space; Kingston Grammar School Playing Fields/ Ditton Field, Thames Ditton
To improve accuracy and ensure soundness and compliance with NPPF para. 101 and 102.
No- these additional sites do not affect the SA of the policy.
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